Švédsko: Heliski v Arktidě

Detaily akce Náročnost Typ akce Termín Previous Next Popis akce Pojeďte si s námi zalyžovat na Arktidu. Horská oblast, 200 km severně za polárním kruhem na hranici s Norskem a Atlantikem, je považována za jednu z nejlepších heliski oblastí na světě. Tři, čtyři nebo sedmidenní akce po celou sezónu, tedy od března do května. Pět lidí na horského vůdce UIAGM a maximálně 2 skupiny na vrtulník nebo dle individuálních požadavků. Ubytování v Arctic Elements Meteorologen Ski Lodge s vysokým standardem, masážemi a skvělým gastronomickým servisem. Pořádající společnost: Arctic Elements (společnost je pojištěná proti úpadku), všeobecné podmínky AE AB Vedení akce:Josef Šimůnek, Josef Morávek, Juráš Šelf, Karel Kříž, Jan Hais a další CK Himalaya má výhradní zastoupení služeb Arctic Elements pro Českou a Slovenskou republiku. Horský vůdce UIAGM má nejvyšší mezinárodní licenci pro práci v horách a disponuje odpovědnostní pojistkou. Arktida Heliski Vůdce UIAGM Termín Cena za 1 os. 3denní heli (čtvrtek – neděle): 3 900 eur (double room)/4 100 eur (single room) 4denní heli (neděle – čtvrtek): 6 400 eur (double room)/6 600 eur (single room) 7denní heli (neděle – neděle): 9 700 eur (double room)/10 100 eur (single room) K dispozici Individuální termín na objednávku Mám zájem o akci Na co se můžete těšit? Exkluzivní lyžování na Arktidě, 200 km severně za polárním kruhem Jedna z nejlepších oblastí na světě s perfektními terény pro freeride 7000 až 8000 vertikálních metrů za den Luxusní ubytování, wellness, masáže a skvělý gastronomický servis Jak dobrý lyžař/snowboardista musím být? Musíte mít perfektně zvládnutou techniku jízdy ve volném terénu a být fyzicky zdatní. Pokud máte pochybnosti, objednejte si testovací den. Kolik vertikálních metrů sjedu za den? Dobrý lyžař/snowboardista sjede za den v průměru 7000-8000 vertikálních metrů a více. Ovšem záleží vždy na aktuálních klimatických podmínkách a počasí. Jaký je terén? Lyžování je prováděno nad stromovou linií ve vysokohorském prostředí alpinského charakteru. Co je zahrnuto v ceně? Cena zahrnuje:Helikoptéra tzv. helislot 2,5hh/5hh/7,5hh (hh = helihodina) v závislosti na zvoleném helibalíčku, tedy 3, 4 nebo 7 denní heliUbytování a stravaLavinový batoh ABS, lavinový vyhledávač , lopata a sonda, lyže a hole (ne snowboardy – ty je potřeba mít vlastní. Dále je potřeba mít vlastní helmu a lyžařské boty)Vedení horského vůdce UIAGM. Cena nezahrnuje:Letenka do Kiruny a nebo na jiné letištěTransfer na a z letiště Kiruna nebo z letiště Narvik Harstad / Evenes = 250 EUR na osobuPojištěníMasážeExtra heli hodiny 700 EURp.p./hh V případě, že se prolétá předplacený helibalíček, stojí každá další helihodina 700 EUR. Helihodina je rozdělena na desetiny, tzn. každých započatých 6 minut airtime. Čistý čas, kdy je vrtulník ve vzduchu, se počítá jako 0,1 helihodiny. Na přání vám můžeme zajistit zapůjčení automobilu, extra nocleh v blízkosti letiště v Kiruně nebo Narvik/Evenes (platí pro dny odletu) a letenky do těchto uvedených destinací. Kolik lidí je ve skupině? V každé skupině je 5-6 osob a maximálně 2 skupiny sdílející vrtulník. Dokážete kombinovat lyžaře a snowboardisty? Ano, nemá to vliv na výběr terénu nebo lyžování, takže to funguje skvěle. Co když je špatné počasí? V případě špatného počasí nabízíme další jiné aktivity, např. jízdu na skútrech Arktidou, snowkiting, ledolezení, skitouring, rybolov a další. Jak se můžu objednat? V jakém termínu? V případě vašeho zájmu nám napište. Ozveme se vám a domluvíme společně termín a detaily. Abychom vyhověli co nejlépe vašim požadavkům na termín, doporučujeme objednávat co nejdříve, nejlépe v podzimních měsících.   Musíte mít perfektně zvládnutou techniku jízdy ve volném terénu a být fyzicky zdatní. Pokud máte pochybnosti, objednejte si testovací den.Dobrý lyžař/snowboardista sjede za den v průměru 7000-8000 vertikálních metrů a více. Ovšem záleží vždy na aktuálních klimatických podmínkách a počasí.Lyžování je prováděno nad stromovou linií ve vysokohorském prostředí alpinského charakteru. Cena zahrnuje:Helikoptéra tzv. helislot 2,5hh/5hh/7,5hh (hh = helihodina) v závislosti na zvoleném helibalíčku, tedy 3, 4 nebo 7 denní heliUbytování a stravaLavinový batoh ABS, lavinový vyhledávač , lopata a sonda, lyže a hole (ne snowboardy – ty je potřeba mít vlastní. Dále je potřeba mít vlastní helmu a lyžařské boty)Vedení horského vůdce UIAGM. Cena nezahrnuje:Letenka do Kiruny a nebo na jiné letištěTransfer na a z letiště Kiruna nebo z letiště Narvik Harstad / Evenes = 250 EUR na osobuPojištěníMasážeExtra heli hodiny 700 EURp.p./hh V případě, že se prolétá předplacený helibalíček, stojí každá další helihodina 700 EUR. Helihodina je rozdělena na desetiny, tzn. každých započatých 6 minut airtime. Čistý čas, kdy je vrtulník ve vzduchu, se počítá jako 0,1 helihodiny. Na přání vám můžeme zajistit zapůjčení automobilu, extra nocleh v blízkosti letiště v Kiruně nebo Narvik/Evenes (platí pro dny odletu) a letenky do těchto uvedených destinací. V každé skupině je 5-6 osob a maximálně 2 skupiny sdílející vrtulník.Ano, nemá to vliv na výběr terénu nebo lyžování, takže to funguje skvěle.V případě špatného počasí nabízíme další jiné aktivity, např. jízdu na skútrech Arktidou, snowkiting, ledolezení, skitouring, rybolov a další.V případě vašeho zájmu nám napište. Ozveme se vám a domluvíme společně termín a detaily. Abychom vyhověli co nejlépe vašim požadavkům na termín, doporučujeme objednávat co nejdříve, nejlépe v podzimních měsících.   Máte zájem o akci? Chcete-li vyplnit tento formulář, prosím povolte v prohlížeči JavaScript.Chcete-li vyplnit tento formulář, prosím povolte v prohlížeči JavaScript.Jméno a Příjmení *E-mail *Telefon *Komentář nebo zpráva GDPR * Odesláním tohoto formuláře potvrzuji, že jsem se seznámil/a s pravidly ochrany osobních údajů a souhlasím s jejich zpracováním. Odeslat

Rakousko: Ledovcový VHT kurz v Alpách s horským vůdcem UIAGM

Detaily akce Náročnost Typ akce Termín Previous Next Popis akce Jak získat větší jistotu při pohybu po ledovci? Jak si naplánovat bezpečnou túru v horách? Výcvik pohybu v horách je určen pro všechny, kteří chtějí umět naplánovat ledovcovou túru a naučit se základním principům pohybu po ledovci. Jak vytáhnout svého parťáka z trhliny, udělat si jistící stanoviště na sněhu a zastavit pád cepínem. Trénuje se na různých terénech: sníh, led, skála a mix. Kurz probíhá blokově 5 dní a je určen pro začátečníky i pokročilé. Součástí je jeden den ukázkové túry. Ledovcové VHT kurzy probíhají v atraktivních ledovcových oblastech: Dachstein, Granatspitzgruppe a Silvretta. V roce 2024 se bude předběžně konat na Oberwalderhutte. Zajímá vás jiné datum? Nebo jste celá skupina? Neváhejte nás kontaktovat a sjednejte si termín. Horský vůdce UIAGM má nejvyšší mezinárodní licenci pro práci v horách a disponuje odpovědnostní pojistkou. Evropa Kurz Vůdce UIAGM Termín Cena za 1 os. Cena je 14 900 czk (5-6 účastníků) K dispozici Individuální termín na objednávku Mám zájem o akci Na co se můžete těšit? Praktický nácvik v různých terénech Komplexní výuka pohybu po ledovci Ukázková ledovcová túra Program Program probíhá 5 dní a je předem upřesněn v závislosti na zkušenostech skupiny nebo dle individuálních požadavků. 1.den: ráno odjezd z Čech, příjezd do Rakouska, výstup na chalupu, ubytování, odpoledne a večer – zahájení, úvodní informace k bezpečnosti, teorie k vybavení, 2.den: pohyb po sněhu ledovci (bez maček, s mačkami, s cepínem, s hůlkami), zastavování pádů jednotlivce, jištění přes cepín apod., sestup slaněním, večer – teorie, štandy, 3.den: příprava na túru po ledovci, zásady pohybu, jištění skupiny, chytání pádů, vytahování z trhliny, večer – teorie, plánování túry, 4.den: ukázková túra (dle přípravy plánu z předchozího dne), doplněná radami a hodnocením, večer – teorie počasí, 5.den: dopoledne – závěrečné opakování získaných dovedností (pohyb a jištění v ledu, jistící stanoviště), odpoledne – sestup do údolí, odjezd do Čech. Pro koho je akce určena? Tato akce je určena pro začátečníky i pokročilé. Pro všechny, kteří chtějí získat jistotu při pohybu v horách. Pohybovat se budeme ve sněhových, ledovcových, skalních a mixových terénech.  Další detaily kurzu Při výuce se intenzivně zaměříme na nácvik v praxi a individuálními přístupu. Skupinka má maximálně 6 účastníků na jednoho horského vůdce UIAGM. Pro uskutečnění zájezdu minimálně 5 účastníků. Každý horský vůdce UIAGM respektuje při své práci obvyklé počty hostů na laně vzhledem k místní lokalitě, túře a typu pořádané akce. Dále vzhledem k celkové garanci bezpečnosti, náročnosti terénu, dále k fyzickým a mentálním schopnostem hostů. Aktivní horský vůdce se prokazuje platnou mezinárodní licencí UIAGM se zaplaceným ročním poplatkem. Pokud se účastníte jakékoliv akce, kde je k postupu nutné lano a pohybujete se v horolezeckém terénu, vyžadujte jako zákazníci, a to i u cestovní kanceláře, osobu způsobilou, horského vůdce UIAGM, který zvolí adekvátní počet osob vzhledem k cílům akce. Dle evropských zákonů je HORSKÝ vůdce s platnou licencí UIAGM jedinou osobou, která smí vodit své hosty po ledovcích. Co zahrnuje cena za kurz? Cena zahrnuje:Vedení akce horským vůdcem UIAGM.Organizační zajištění akce na místěStorno pojištění. Cena nezahrnuje:Ubytování, stravaDopravaCestovní pojištění. Jaké pojištění doporučujete? Pojištění/výhodné roční členství Alpenverein. Nabízíme také pojištění Uniqa na tzv.“nepojistitelné“ sporty pod vedením UIAGM horského vůdce. Kde budeme ubytovaní? Budeme bydlet na chatě Adamek, polopenze s ubytováním AV cca 50 Euro/os/noc, více na www.adamek.at . V dalších oblastech na Rudolfshütte nebo Oberwalderhütte. Jak se dopravím na akci? A) Autem guida  – např. sraz s Víťou Novákem v Plané nad Lužnicí a odjezd společně jedním autem na místo výcviku, odjezd ráno v 5.00h. Náklady na cestu podle skutečného stavu hradí účastníci. V případě dalších oblastí je sraz dle domluvy s příslušným guidem. B) Autem hosta – je potřeba dle místa domluvy nabrat guida. Náklady hradí účastníci. Program probíhá 5 dní a je předem upřesněn v závislosti na zkušenostech skupiny nebo dle individuálních požadavků. 1.den: ráno odjezd z Čech, příjezd do Rakouska, výstup na chalupu, ubytování, odpoledne a večer – zahájení, úvodní informace k bezpečnosti, teorie k vybavení, 2.den: pohyb po sněhu ledovci (bez maček, s mačkami, s cepínem, s hůlkami), zastavování pádů jednotlivce, jištění přes cepín apod., sestup slaněním, večer – teorie, štandy, 3.den: příprava na túru po ledovci, zásady pohybu, jištění skupiny, chytání pádů, vytahování z trhliny, večer – teorie, plánování túry, 4.den: ukázková túra (dle přípravy plánu z předchozího dne), doplněná radami a hodnocením, večer – teorie počasí, 5.den: dopoledne – závěrečné opakování získaných dovedností (pohyb a jištění v ledu, jistící stanoviště), odpoledne – sestup do údolí, odjezd do Čech. Tato akce je určena pro začátečníky i pokročilé. Pro všechny, kteří chtějí získat jistotu při pohybu v horách. Pohybovat se budeme ve sněhových, ledovcových, skalních a mixových terénech. Při výuce se intenzivně zaměříme na nácvik v praxi a individuálními přístupu. Skupinka má maximálně 6 účastníků na jednoho horského vůdce UIAGM. Pro uskutečnění zájezdu minimálně 5 účastníků. Každý horský vůdce UIAGM respektuje při své práci obvyklé počty hostů na laně vzhledem k místní lokalitě, túře a typu pořádané akce. Dále vzhledem k celkové garanci bezpečnosti, náročnosti terénu, dále k fyzickým a mentálním schopnostem hostů. Aktivní horský vůdce se prokazuje platnou mezinárodní licencí UIAGM se zaplaceným ročním poplatkem. Pokud se účastníte jakékoliv akce, kde je k postupu nutné lano a pohybujete se v horolezeckém terénu, vyžadujte jako zákazníci, a to i u cestovní kanceláře, osobu způsobilou, horského vůdce UIAGM, který zvolí adekvátní počet osob vzhledem k cílům akce. Dle evropských zákonů je HORSKÝ vůdce s platnou licencí UIAGM jedinou osobou, která smí vodit své hosty po ledovcích. Cena zahrnuje:Vedení akce horským vůdcem UIAGM.Organizační zajištění akce na místěStorno pojištění. Cena nezahrnuje:Ubytování, stravaDopravaCestovní pojištění. Pojištění/výhodné roční členství Alpenverein. Nabízíme také pojištění Uniqa na tzv.“nepojistitelné“ sporty pod vedením UIAGM horského vůdce.Budeme bydlet na chatě Adamek, polopenze s ubytováním AV cca 50 Euro/os/noc, více na www.adamek.at . V dalších oblastech na Rudolfshütte nebo Oberwalderhütte.A) Autem guida  – např. sraz s Víťou Novákem v Plané nad Lužnicí a odjezd společně jedním autem na místo výcviku, odjezd ráno v 5.00h. Náklady na cestu podle skutečného stavu hradí účastníci. V případě dalších oblastí je sraz dle domluvy s příslušným guidem. B) Autem hosta – je potřeba dle místa domluvy nabrat guida. Náklady hradí účastníci. Máte zájem o akci? Chcete-li vyplnit tento formulář, prosím povolte v prohlížeči JavaScript.Chcete-li

France: Skialp ascent of Mont Blanc with a UIAGM mountain guide

Event details Difficulty Event type Date Previous Next Event description If you have decided to climb Mont Blanc on ski alps with us, you will be faced with a physically demanding hike that will test your strength and endurance. However, reaching the summit at an altitude of 4810 meters above sea level and enjoying breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding Alpine giants is an experience that will remain in your memory forever. To help you successfully master this challenge, we place great emphasis on thorough acclimatization. Before the actual climb to the summit, we will take several acclimatization hikes that will help your body get used to the thin mountain air and high altitude. This will make you better prepared for the demanding climb and reduce the risk of altitude sickness. During the acclimatization hikes, we will visit some of the beautiful mountain huts around Mont Blanc. These hikes will give us the opportunity to get acquainted with the terrain and the difficulty of the climb. Thanks to a responsible approach to safety, you can fully enjoy the climb to Mont Blanc with CK Himalaya and enjoy this unique experience without unnecessary complications. The UIAGM mountain guide has the highest international license for working in the mountains and has liability insurance. Europe Skialp UIAGM Guide Date Price for 1 person. The price is 3,100 EUR per group (1 - 2 participants) Available Individual date on request I am interested in the event What can you look forward to? Climbing the highest mountain in the Alps View of the Alpine peaks from a height of 4810 meters above sea level Demanding physical exertion and descent Well-deserved rest and atmosphere in Chamonix Program Day 1 - transfer to the location (flight to Zurich and rental car), night in https://www.chamoniard.com Day 2 - acclimatization hike, night in https://www.chamoniard.com Day 3 - climb to the Refuge des Grands Mulets mountain hut Day 4 - climb to Mt. Blanc and descent, night in https://www.chamoniard.com Day 5 - departure/possibly reserve day Who is the event intended for? To climb Mont Blanc, you should have excellent physical condition (e.g. be able to walk 20 km in one "move") and be experienced in alpine skiing. How big is the group? Maximum 2 people per UIAGM mountain guide. What does the course price include? The price includes: Event management by a UIAGM mountain guide. Organizational arrangements for the event on site. Cancellation insurance. The price does not include: Accommodation in an apartment and in mountain huts, food. Cable cars. The costs of the guide (accommodation, food, transport and other expenses associated with the event management). These expenses are paid by the client. Own transport, it is necessary to bring a guide with you. Alternatively, we can arrange transport facilities. Travel insurance. What to bring? Bring glacier equipment (crams, ice axe, seat, helmet, 2x HMS carabiners) and a ski alpine and avalanche set. We can arrange what you don't have. It will be cold at the top. So don't forget warm and waterproof clothing, a hat and gloves. At least two. Proper mountain boots, a backpack (approx. 30l), sunglasses, a thermos and, most importantly, insurance. Where do you sleep? You sleep in mountain huts in shared dormitories. The beds have two blankets and a pillow - bring your own sleeping bag insert. The sanitary facilities are shared. Accommodation with half board costs from 50 to 120 € / person / night (with the Alpenverein about 10 € less). It is paid on site to the chalet owner. In Chamonix in an apartment or at the campsite. What do I have to do to be able to participate in the event? Send an application using the form on this page. After receiving this application, we will send you a travel contract and other necessary information. The deposit must be paid within 10 days of concluding the contract by bank transfer. Additional payment for the event according to the instructions in the travel contract. Day 1 – transfer to the location (flight to Zurich and rental car), night in https://www.chamoniard.com Day 2 – acclimatization hike, night in https://www.chamoniard.com Day 3 – ascent to the Refuge des Grands Mulets mountain hut Day 4 – ascent to Mt. Blanc and descent, night in https://www.chamoniard.com Day 5 – departure/possibly reserve day To climb Mont Blanc, you should have excellent physical condition (e.g. be able to walk 20km in one "move") and be experienced in alpine skiing. Maximum 2 people per UIAGM mountain guide. The price includes: Leadership of the event by a UIAGM mountain guide. Organizational arrangements for the event on site Cancellation insurance. The price does not include: Accommodation in an apartment and in mountain huts, food Cable cars Leader costs (accommodation, food, transport and other expenses associated with leading the event). These expenses are paid by the client. Own transport, it is necessary to bring a guide with you. Alternatively, we can arrange transport facilities. Travel insurance. Bring glacier equipment (crags, ice axe, seat cushion, helmet, 2x HMS carabiners) and a ski alpine and avalanche set. We can arrange what you don't have. It will be cold at the top. So don't forget warm and waterproof clothing, a hat and gloves. At least two. Proper mountain boots, a backpack (approx. 30l), sunglasses, a thermos and, most importantly, insurance. You sleep in mountain huts in shared dormitories. The beds have two blankets and a pillow - bring your own sleeping bag insert. The sanitary facilities are shared. Accommodation with half board costs from 50 to 120 € / person / night (with the Alpenverein about 10 € less). It is paid on site to the hut owner. In Chamonix in an apartment or at a campsite. Send your application using the form on this page. After receiving this application, we will send you a travel contract and other necessary information. The deposit must be paid within 10 days of concluding the contract by bank transfer. The remaining payment for the event is according to the instructions in the travel contract. Are you interested in the event? To fill out this form, please enable JavaScript in your browser.To fill out this form, please enable JavaScript in your browser.Name and Surname *E-mail *Phone *Comment or message Newsletter (optional) I agree to adding my email to the GDPR newsletter mailing list * By submitting this form, I confirm that I have read and agree to the privacy policy and to its processing. Send

France: The legendary Haute Route ski pass

Event details Difficulty Event type Date Previous Next Event description The winter crossing of the French and Swiss Alps from Chamonix to Zermatt is surrounded by legendary stories and ranks among the most beautiful Alpine routes. Our event starts under the highest mountain in the Alps - Mont Blanc, so that in less than a week we can reach another mountain icon, the Matterhorn. The Haute Route is the most famous ski tour in the Alps with a demanding and wild glacier world, long freeride descents. Beautiful views and a high mountain environment provide a real feeling of wilderness. In short, an unforgettable life experience. The UIAGM mountain guide has the highest international license for working in the mountains and has liability insurance. Europe Skialp UIAGM Guide Date Price for 1 person. The price is 35,000 CZK (group of 4-5 participants) The price is 32,000 CZK (group of 6 participants) Available Individual date on request I am interested in the event What can you look forward to? Legendary winter crossing of the French and Swiss Alps Ski mountaineering "graduation" from Chamonix to Zermatt Atmosphere of mountain huts and monastery Hospice du Grand St Bernard Wild glacier world and long freeride descents Program Day 0: during the day we drive from Prague to Chamonix. Day 1: cable car to Argentiere (1,214 m) – Lognan (1,974 m) – Grands Montets (3,275 m) descent to the Argentiere glacier – ascent to the Ref. d'Argentiere hut (2,771 m) Day 2: Ref. d'Argentiere (2,771 m above sea level) – Col de Chardonnet (3,223m) – descent to the Saleina glacier – Col de Saleina (3,419m) – via the Col du Grand Lui descent to La Fouly (1,593m) 3rd day: La Fouly (1,593m) – through the Val Ferret valley – Col de Fenétre de Ferret saddle (2,698m) descent to the Italian side and from there – Hospice St.Bernard (2,469m) 4th day: Grand St.Bernard (2,469m) – Bourg St.Bernard (1,632m) – Col de Prox (2,779m) – traverse along the slopes of Mt.Velán, and descent under the Velán hut (2,500m) – from there ascent to Ref.Valsorey (3,030m) 5th day: Refuge Valsoreyt (3,030m) – ascent to Col du culoir and Plateau du Couloir (3660m) –Sonadon Glacier – Col du Sonadon (3504m) – descent along the Durand Glacier – short ascent to Refuge Chanrion (2462m) Day 6: Refuge Chanrion (2462m) – Refuge des Vignettes (3160m) Day 7: Refuge des Vignettes (3160m) – descent onto the wide glacial plateau Col de Charmotane 3053m – ascent to the Col de l'Eveque saddle (3392) – descent under and ascent to the Col Brulé saddle (3213m) – short descent and ascent to the last saddle of this Haute route from the Italian side, which is called Col de Valpelline (3568m) – from there descent via Stockji glacier and Zermatt glacier (2200m) – Zermatt (1600m) Day 8: journey home, to the Czech Republic Who is the event intended for? The event is intended for experienced ski mountaineers. Participants should be able to ski well, handle rough terrain, even steep slopes, have excellent physical condition and be able to withstand at least 5-6 hours of skiing per day. Furthermore, experience with ski mountaineering equipment is assumed, i.e. putting on or taking off belts and packing them well, using climbing ridges for climbing, knowledge of working with an ice axe and crampons. How big is the group? A group has a maximum of 6 participants per UIAGM mountain guide. A minimum of 4 participants are required to carry out the trip. If more participants register, another mountain guide will take care of them. A maximum of 2 groups per date. What does the course price include? The price includes: Event management by a UIAGM mountain guide for a group of 5-6 people. The price for a group of 4 people is decided individually Organizational arrangements for the event on site Cancellation insurance. The price does not include: AV accommodation and half board in huts during the 6-night march (depending on the variant; approx. €60 per night with half board), meals 2 nights in Chamonix transport from the Czech Republic to Chamonix and back Alpine or avalanche equipment rental Cable car to Mt. Lognan Transport from Zermatt back to Chamonix, approx. €80 per person (taxi or train). Travel insurance. What type of accommodation and meals await me? Alpine-type accommodation. We will be assigned a bed and a shelf for our belongings. The bed is made up, there are also duvets or blankets, quite warm. A sleeping bag liner is required in the huts. Half board is included in the price. Lunch can be selected from the menu according to the location where we will currently be. In addition to half board, it is possible to buy water, tea, beer, wine, soups, quick and hearty meals. Some places have running water, some don't, it depends on the location of the cottage. Some chalets have showers, but expect basic hygiene. You can usually pay by credit card at the chalets, but cash is best. What do I need to do to participate in the event? Send your application using the form on this page. After receiving this application, we will send you a travel contract and other necessary information. The deposit must be paid within 10 days of concluding the contract by bank transfer. Additional payment for the event according to the instructions in the travel contract. Day 0: during the day you drive from Prague to Chamonix. Day 1: cable car to Argentiere (1,214 m) – Lognan (1,974 m) – Grands Montets (3275 m) descent to the Argentiere glacier – ascent to the Ref. d'Argentiere chalet (2,771 m) Day 2: Ref. d'Argentiere (2,771 m above sea level) – Col de Chardonnet (3,223m) – descent to the Saleina glacier – Col de Saleina (3,419m) – via the Col du Grand Lui descent to La Fouly (1,593m) 3rd day: La Fouly (1,593m) – through the Val Ferret valley – Col de Fenétre de Ferret saddle (2,698m) descent to the Italian side and from there – Hospice St.Bernard (2,469m) 4th day: Grand St.Bernard (2,469m) – Bourg St.Bernard (1,632m) – Col de Prox (2,779m) – traverse along the slopes of Mt.Velán, and descent under the Velán hut (2,500m) – from there ascent to Ref.Valsorey (3,030m) 5th day: Refuge Valsoreyt (3,030m) – ascent to Col du culoir and Plateau du Couloir (3660m) –Sonadon Glacier – Col du Sonadon (3504m) – descent via the Durand Glacier – short ascent to Refuge Chanrion (2462m) Day 6: Refuge Chanrion (2462m) – Refuge des Vignettes (3160m) Day 7: Refuge des Vignettes (3160m) – descent onto the wide glacial plateau Col de Charmotane 3053m – ascent to the Col de l'Eveque saddle (3392) – descent under and ascent to the Col Brulé saddle (3213m) – short descent and ascent to the last saddle of this Haute route from the Italian side, which is called Col de Valpelline (3568m) – from there descent via the Stockji glacier and Zermatt glacier (2200m) – Zermatt (1600m) Day 8: journey home, to the Czech Republic The event is intended for experienced ski mountaineers. Participants should be able to ski well, be able to handle rough terrain and steep slopes, have excellent physical condition and be able to withstand at least 5-6 hours of skiing per day. Experience with ski mountaineering equipment, i.e. putting on or taking off belts, is also expected.

Austria: Ötztal ski pass

Event details Difficulty Event type Date Previous Next Event description Enjoy a five-day ski mountaineering adventure in the heart of the Ötztal Alps with CK Himalaya! During this unique tour, we will explore breathtaking mountain scenery and visit impressive mountain huts, including Martin Busch Hütte, Bella Vista, Hochjoch Hospiz and Vernagt Hütte. Five days full of ski mountaineering await you. You will complete challenging ascents and great descents in the picturesque Alpine landscape. After a busy day, you will relax in cozy mountain huts with breathtaking views. Throughout the hike, you will be under the care of an experienced mountain guide with an international UIAGM license, who will guarantee you maximum safety and comfort. Under favorable conditions, we can attempt to climb one of the surrounding three-thousand-meter peaks. You will meet new friends with a shared passion for ski mountaineering. The hike is demanding and requires good physical condition and ski mountaineering experience. The Ötztal Alps are among the most beautiful Alpine regions and offer breathtaking panoramic views. The UIAGM mountain guide has the highest international license for working in the mountains and has liability insurance. Europe Skialp UIAGM Guide Date Price for 1 person. Price is 29,800 CZK (group of 4-5 participants) Price is 26,500 CZK (group of 6 participants) Available Individual date on request I am interested in the event What can you look forward to? 5-day Ötztal tour for experienced ski mountaineers One of the most beautiful ski-alpine crossings in the Alps Local atmosphere of mountain huts Challenging climbs and beautiful descents from the surrounding 3,000-meter peaks Program Day 1: transport Prague - arrival in the village of VENT in the Oetztal Alps Day 2: climb to the Martin Bush hut/or Similaun hut Day 3: Martin Bush hut - Bella Vista hut (if the Bella Vista hut is fully occupied, cross to the Tyrolean side and stay in Marcheghoff) Day 4: Bella Vista hut - Hochjoch hospice, climb to Palla Bianca (Wiesskugel), if you do not spend the night at Bella Vista but in Marcheghoff, you will take the cable car to the glacier in the morning and then continue as in the original variant Day 5: Hochjoch hospice - Vernagt hut, climb to Fluchtkkogel or Guslar spitze Day 6: Vernagt hut - Vent, return to the car and departure to the Czech Republic Who is the event intended for? The event is intended for experienced ski mountaineers. Participants should be able to ski well, handle riding in unprepared terrain and withstand at least 5-6 hours of skiing per day. How big is the group? The group has a maximum of 6 participants per UIAGM mountain guide. A minimum of 4 participants is required to carry out the trip. If more participants register, another mountain guide will take care of them. A maximum of 2 groups per date. What does the course price include? The price includes: Event management by a UIAGM mountain guide for a group of 5-6 people. The price for a group of 4 people is decided individually Organizational arrangements for the event on site Cancellation insurance. The price does not include: AV accommodation and half board in huts during the 4-night march 1 night in Vent, accommodation with breakfast, without dinner Dinner in Vent, food and drinks outside of half board in huts Rental of alpine or avalanche equipment Cable car to Bella Vista (if needed), or any other use of the cable car Transport from the Czech Republic to Vent and back Travel insurance. What insurance do you recommend? The most suitable is Alpenverein insurance/membership. If you do not have it, you can arrange it with us and use it all year round. What type of accommodation and meals await me? Alpine-type accommodation. We will be assigned a bed and a shelf for things. The bed is made up, there are also duvets or blankets, quite warm. A sleeping bag insert is required in the huts. Half board is included in the price. Lunch, choosing from a menu according to the location where we will currently be. In addition to half board, it is possible to buy water, tea, beer, wine, soups, quick and hearty meals. Some places have running water, some don't, depending on the location of the cottage. Some cottages have showers, but expect basic hygiene. IT IS MOSTLY NOT POSSIBLE TO PAY WITH PAYMENT CARDS, CASH IS REQUIRED, EUR is best. What do I have to do to participate in the event? Send an application using the form on this page. After receiving this application, we will send you a travel contract and other necessary information. The deposit must be paid within 10 days of concluding the contract by bank transfer. Additional payment for the event according to the instructions in the travel contract. Day 1: transport Prague - arrival in the village of VENT in the Oetztal Alps Day 2: ascent to Martin Bush hut/or Similaun hut Day 3: Martin Bush hut - Bella Vista hut (in the case of a fully occupied Bella Vista hut, crossing to the Tyrolean side and accommodation in Marcheghoff) Day 4: Bella Vista hut - Hochjoch hospice, ascent to Palla Bianca (Wiesskugel), if you do not spend the night at Bella Vista, but in Marcheghoff, you will take the cable car to the glacier in the morning and then continue as in the original variant Day 5: Hochjoch hospice - Vernagt hut, ascent to Fluchtkkogel or Guslar spitze Day 6: Vernagt hut - Vent, return to the car and departure to the Czech Republic The event is intended for experienced ski mountaineers. Participants should be able to ski well, be able to handle rough terrain and be able to ski for at least 5-6 hours a day. A group has a maximum of 6 participants per UIAGM mountain guide. A minimum of 4 participants is required for the trip to take place. If more participants register, another mountain guide will take care of them. A maximum of 2 groups per date. The price includes: Leadership of the event by a UIAGM mountain guide for a group of 5-6 people. The price for a group of 4 people is decided individually Organizational arrangements for the event on site Cancellation insurance. The price does not include: AV accommodation and half board in chalets during the march 4 nights 1 night in Vent, accommodation with breakfast, without dinner Dinner in Vent, food and drinks other than half board in chalets Rental of ski-alpine or avalanche equipment Cable car to Bella Vista (if needed), or any other use of the cable car transport from the Czech Republic to Vent and back Travel insurance. The most suitable is the Alpenverein insurance/membership. If you don't have it, you can arrange it with us and use it all year round. Alpine-type accommodation. We will be assigned a bed and a shelf for things. The bed is made up, there are also duvets or blankets, quite warm. A sleeping bag liner is required in the chalets. Half-board is included in the price. Lunch is selected from the menu according to the location where we will currently be. In addition to half-board, it is possible to buy water, tea, beer, wine, soups, quick and hearty meals. Some places have running water, some don't, depending on the location of the cottage. Some chalets have showers, but expect basic hygiene. IT IS MOSTLY NOT POSSIBLE TO PAY WITH PAYMENT CARDS, CASH IS NECESSARY, EUR is best. Send your application using the form on this page. After receiving this application

Austria: Alpine skiing course on a glacier in the Alps with a UIAGM mountain guide

Event details Difficulty Event type Date Previous Next Event description The training takes place in easy and moderately difficult terrain in the Austrian Alps (Silvretta, Wiessbadenerhütte or East Tauern, Rudolfshütte). It is intended for everyone who wants to master safe movement on ski alps in winter on a glacier. You will improve your movement on ski alps, learn how to plan a tour in icy terrain, belay and work with a rope when rescuing in a crack for movement on a glacier, etc. We recommend this course on a glacier for experienced ski alpinists. The "Krkonoše Ski Alpinism Course" is intended for beginners. The UIAGM mountain guide has the highest international license for working in the mountains and has liability insurance. Europe Skialp course UIAGM Guide Date Price for 1 person. The price is from 4 or more participants Available Individual date on request I am interested in the event What can you look forward to? Beautiful ski mountaineering tours through the Alpine nature. Lessons in free terrain riding for more advanced ski mountaineers with UIAGM guides. Lessons in planning a tour and safety on the glacier. Beautiful Alpine surroundings and the pleasant atmosphere of local mountain huts. Program 1st day (Mon): departure from Bohemia in the morning, arrival in Austria in the afternoon, transfer to the hut (2-2.5 hours on foot/skis, or use of the cable car), accommodation, start, equipment check, introductory information on safety, equipment. 2nd day (Tues): movement on ski alps, overcoming steep slopes, use of crampons, then movement on snow, firn, ice (without crampons, with crampons, with ice axe, with poles), stopping individual falls (on skis, without skis), belaying with an ice axe, etc., abseiling, evening - theory. Day 3 (WED): preparation for a ski alpine tour on a glacier, principles of movement, group belaying, catching falls, pulling out of a crack, evening – theory: stands. Day 4 (TH): sample tour (according to the plan prepared the previous day), supplemented with advice and evaluation, evening – theory: weather, tour planning. Day 5 (FRI): morning – final review of acquired skills (movement and belaying on ice, belay stations), afternoon – descent into the valley, departure to Bohemia. Who is the event intended for? For more experienced ski mountaineers who want to improve their ski alpine movement skills even in more demanding terrain. How big is the group? During the lessons, we focus a lot on practical training and an individual approach, therefore the group has a maximum of 6 participants per UIAGM mountain guide. A minimum of 4 participants are required to carry out the trip. What does the course price include? The price includes: Guidance by a UIAGM mountain guide Organizational arrangements Cancellation insurance. The price does not include: Insurance for rescue and medical expenses abroad (we assume Alpenverein) 4x accommodation with half board (prices calculated for Alpenverein members) Transport Rental of missing climbing and ski-alpine equipment Possible cable car payments What insurance do you recommend? The most suitable is Alpenverein insurance/membership. If you do not have one, you can arrange it with us and use it all year round. What do I need to do to participate in the event? Send an application using the form on this page. After receiving this application, we will send you a travel contract and other necessary information. The deposit must be paid within 10 days of concluding the contract by bank transfer. Additional payment for the event according to the instructions in the travel contract. Day 1 (MON): departure from Bohemia in the morning, arrival in Austria in the afternoon, transfer to the chalet (2-2.5 hours on foot/skiing, or use of the cable car), accommodation, start, equipment check, introductory information on safety, equipment. Day 2 (TUE): movement on alpine skis, overcoming steep slopes, use of crampons, then movement on snow, firn, ice (without crampons, with crampons, with ice axe, with poles), stopping individual falls (on skis, without skis), belaying with an ice axe, etc., abseiling, evening – theory. Day 3 (WED): preparation for an alpine ski tour on a glacier, principles of movement, group belaying, catching falls, pulling out of a crevasse, evening – theory: stands. Day 4 (Thu): sample hike (according to the plan prepared the previous day), supplemented with advice and evaluation, evening – theory: weather, hike planning. Day 5 (Fri): morning – final review of acquired skills (movement and belaying on ice, belay stations), afternoon – descent into the valley, departure to Bohemia. For more experienced ski mountaineers who want to improve their skills in ski alps and in more demanding terrain. During the lessons, we focus very much on practical training and an individual approach, therefore the group has a maximum of 6 participants per UIAGM mountain guide. A minimum of 4 participants are required to carry out the trip. The price includes: Guidance by a UIAGM mountain guide Organizational arrangements Cancellation insurance. The price does not include:Rescue and medical expenses insurance abroad (we assume Alpenverein) 4x accommodation with half board (prices calculated for Alpenverein members) TransportLoan of missing climbing and ski-alp equipmentPossible cable car payments The most suitable is Alpenverein insurance/membership. If you do not have one, you can arrange it with us and use it all year round.Send an application using the form on this page. After receiving this application, we will send you a travel contract and other necessary information. The deposit must be paid within 10 days of concluding the contract by bank transfer. The additional payment for the event according to the instructions in the travel contract. Are you interested in the event? To fill out this form, please enable JavaScript in your browser.To fill out this form, please enable JavaScript in your browser.First and Last Name *Email *Phone *Comment or Message Newsletter (optional) I agree to have my email added to the GDPR newsletter mailing list * By submitting this form, I confirm that I have read and agree to the privacy policy and to its processing. Send

Switzerland: New Year's ski alps and freeride in the Alps with a UIAGM mountain guide

Event details Difficulty Event type Date Previous Next Event description Come with us on a New Year's ski alpine tour, which takes place in light and moderately difficult terrain in the Swiss Alps (around Davos). The tour is guided with regard to the current snow conditions and weather. We will enjoy the pre-Christmas rush in the tranquility of the Alpine nature and ride our first snow lines this winter! Celebrate the New Year with us on the ski alpine tours! The UIAGM mountain guide has the highest international license for working in the mountains and has liability insurance. Europe Skialp New Year's Alps Date Price for 1 person. Price is from 4 or more participants I am interested in the event What can you look forward to? Ski alpine experiences in the New Year's time Improving movement and downhill in open terrain The beautiful environment of the Alps and the pleasant atmosphere of the local mountain huts. Program Day 1 (Thu): morning departure from Bohemia, afternoon arrival in Switzerland, accommodation, start, equipment check, introductory information on safety, equipment. Day 2 (Fri): all-day hike Day 3 (Sat): all-day hike Day 4 (Sun): morning – shorter hike, afternoon – descent into the valley, departure to Bohemia. Who is the event intended for? For ski mountaineers who want to go to the Alpine terrain. How big is the group? During the lessons, we focus a lot on practical training and an individual approach, therefore the group has a maximum of 6 participants per UIAGM mountain guide. A minimum of 4 participants are required to carry out the trip. What does the course price include? The price includes: Guidance by a UIAGM mountain guide Organizational arrangements Cancellation insurance. The price does not include:Rescue and medical expenses insurance abroad (we assume Alpenverein)Accommodation and mealsShared transportRental of missing climbing and ski-alp equipmentPossible cable car payments What insurance do you recommend? The most suitable is Alpenverein insurance/membership. If you do not have it, you can arrange it with us and use it all year round. What do I have to do to be able to participate in the event? Send an application using the form on this page. After receiving this application, we will send you a travel contract and other necessary information. The deposit must be paid within 10 days of concluding the contract by bank transfer. Additional payment for the event according to the instructions in the travel contract. Day 1 (Thu): morning departure from Bohemia, afternoon arrival in Switzerland, accommodation, start, equipment check, introductory information on safety, equipment. Day 2 (Fri): all-day hike Day 3 (Sat): all-day hike Day 4 (Sun): morning – shorter hike, afternoon – descent into the valley, departure to Bohemia. For ski mountaineers who want to go to the Alpine terrain. During the lessons, we focus a lot on practical training and an individual approach, therefore the group has a maximum of 6 participants per UIAGM mountain guide. A minimum of 4 participants are required for the trip to take place. The price includes: Leadership by a UIAGM mountain guide Organizational arrangements Cancellation insurance. The price does not include: Insurance for rescue and medical expenses abroad (we assume Alpenverein) Accommodation and food Shared transport Rental of missing climbing and ski alpine equipment Possible cable car payments The most suitable is Alpenverein insurance/membership. If you don't have one, you can arrange it with us and use it all year round. Send your application using the form on this page. After receiving this application, we will send you a travel contract and other necessary information. The deposit must be paid within 10 days of concluding the contract by bank transfer. The remaining payment for the event is according to the instructions in the travel contract. Are you interested in the event? To fill out this form, please enable JavaScript in your browser. To fill out this form, please enable JavaScript in your browser. Name and Surname *E-mail *Phone *Comment or message Newsletter (optional) I agree to adding my email to the GDPR newsletter mailing list * By submitting this form, I confirm that I have read and agree to the privacy policy and to its processing. Send

Morocco: Skialp expedition to four-thousanders in Morocco

Event details Difficulty Event type Date Previous Next Event description Skialp expedition to four-thousanders in Morocco. A ski mountaineering event where in 6 days in the mountains you will ski down the highest peak of the Atlas Mountains and also North Africa – Djebel Toubkal (4168m), other four-thousanders and other interesting peaks. This is exotic skiing on African snow at the latitude of the Canary Islands with mostly stable weather and sufficient snow. Snow starts at 2200 to 2500 meters. The slopes are usually deserted or with a minimum number of people. The descents are suitable for both skilled skiers and true extreme enthusiasts. Africa Exotic skialp Expedition Date Spring months Price for 1 person. Price is from 5 or more participants I am interested in the event What can you look forward to? Exotic skiing on African snow A descent of the highest mountains in North Africa Ski terrains for everyone, both less fit and extremists The friendly and hospitable culture of spice-scented Morocco Who is the event intended for? For ski mountaineers of standard fitness who want to go for exoticism in the ski alps. Even very experienced skiers will have their fill. How big is the group? During the lessons, we focus a lot on practical training and individual approaches, which is why the group has a maximum of 8 participants per UIAGM mountain guide. A minimum of 5 participants are required to carry out the trip. What does the price for the event include? The price includes: services of a UIAGM mountain guide accommodation full board (lunch is in the form of packages for the trip) transport in Morocco ticket Prague - Casablanca and back within the limit transport Casablanca - Marrakech and back travel insurance including cancellation insurance. What insurance do you recommend? The most suitable is Alpenverein insurance/membership. If you don't have one, you can arrange it with us and use it all year round. Where will we be staying and what other services are there? We will be staying in mountain huts, like those in France in the Alps, the huts mostly belong to CAF. From there we will set off on individual hikes. We will have full board at the event, mostly packed lunches. All accommodation and transport from Marrakech to the mountains and back is also provided. We will have porters and mules available (for carrying things to the huts or skis to the snow). What do I have to do to be able to participate in the event? Send an application using the form on this page. After receiving this application, we will send you a travel contract and other necessary information. The deposit must be paid within 10 days of concluding the contract by bank transfer. Additional payment for the event according to the instructions in the travel contract. For standard ski mountaineers who want to go to the exotic in the ski alps. Even very experienced skiers will have their way. During the lessons, we focus a lot on practical training and individual approaches, therefore the group has a maximum of 8 participants per UIAGM mountain guide. A minimum of 5 participants is required to carry out the trip. The price includes: services of a UIAGM mountain guide accommodation full board (lunch is in the form of packages for the trip) transport in Morocco ticket Prague - Casablanca and back within the limit transport Casablanca - Marrakech and back travel insurance including cancellation insurance. The most suitable is Alpenverein insurance/membership. If you do not have it, you can arrange it with us and use it all year round. We will stay in chalets in the mountains, like those in France in the Alps, the chalets mostly belong to CAF. From there we will set off on individual hikes. At the event we will have full board provided, lunches mostly snack packages. Furthermore, all accommodation and transport from Marrakech to the mountains and back are provided. We will have porters and mules available (regarding carrying things to the cottages or skis to the snow). Send your application using the form on this page. After receiving this application, we will send you a travel contract and other necessary information. The deposit must be paid within 10 days of concluding the contract by bank transfer. The remaining payment for the event is according to the instructions in the travel contract. Are you interested in the event? To fill out this form, please enable JavaScript in your browser. To fill out this form, please enable JavaScript in your browser. Name and Surname *E-mail *Phone *Comment or message Newsletter (optional) I agree to adding my email to the GDPR newsletter mailing list * By submitting this form, I confirm that I have read and agree to the privacy policy and to its processing. Send

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